India, Keep Rising !!

13 October 2024

Brightest Among The Stars Sir Ratan Tata

Sometime in 1980’s, in early childhood papa told me Tata’s are building social or public infrastructure like road, electricity, hospital, school like amenities near their steel factory for people. At the age of 7 or 8 I don’t have understanding that corporates are meant of their profit irrespective of condition of employees & Tata’s belongs to different class.

In early 2000 I had assignment job with small company, which was part of TACO (Tata AutoComp Systems Limited). One day in morning I heard Ratan Tata is visiting factory. I was very surprised why he is visiting such a small company. Later on I heard he is on shop-floor. During lunch break in canteen I come to know that he had lunch in the same canteen we used have lunch. It again surprise me how he can have lunch in canteen made for workers & employees. 

Being interest in stock market I used read new & development in companies. Tata Nano project in West Bengal was very much in news. When Tata decided to move project out of Singur I read statement  by Ratan Tata. He mentioned “ We do not, however, believe that in any way we have lost our enthusiasm for investment in West Bengal and I can assure you that Tatas, in course of time, will include West Bengal in locating projects in future” It wonder for me that someone close down his business worth 1500 crore (A very big amount in 2008) and how he still can be kind and compassionate to them

At 26 11 Taj Mahal Palace employees risk or gave their life to save guests of hotel. Still today It’s difficult for me to understand moral or mental attitude or behavior of employees. There is no parallel example in history of this kind. Ratan Tata personally tirelessly visited each employees home for next few days.

I used to follow him on Twitter. I read on internet that he on Instagram so I opened an account on Instagram to follow him. 

I thought of having an an organized charity under Tata umbrella & tried to reach him but did not happen. 

I was planning of visiting NCPA Lawns, but it did not materialize. Guess not all desires are suppose to fulfil in life.

I am not sad or depressed but proud to be part of an era of Sir Ratan Tata.  


02 March 2022

World paying price for irresponsible leadership

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः।
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु।
मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥

Few decade ago I used to write blog about stock market
After Modi win election in 2014 we starting winding up stock market advisory and started criticising Modi
& Now here we go global, criticizing world leadership

I don’t like to write blog with criticism, but here it goes

Unfair Russia
Recognising Republics of Donetsk and Republics of Luhansk may be okie if we consider genocide in eastern Ukraine as claimed by Russia. I never thought Russia will invade Ukraine. Attack on Ukraine is unfair.

Unfair America
Russia has not invade America or Nato nation. With rivalry / enemy behavior America keep increasing sanctions on Russia. Putting country not accessing to SWIFT system or sanctions on the central bank holding $600+ billion in reserves is more than unfair

Unfair Ukraine
Ukraine should have used neighbor Russia as well as European countries to grow and prosper rather bringing America / NATO on Russian border. America used Ukraine as instrument to torture Russia. Before war Ukraine thought it got backing of America, NATO & Europe. After war started all people dumped / betrayed Ukraine.

Unfair India
Ukraine approach India after war started and after getting betrayed by all. It was too late. It could have approach in say Jan-22 or early for smooth transition.

I see post starting that
Ukraine condemn pokhran nuclear test 1998
Voted against India at UNSC
Sold Pakistan T80 tanks
Voted yes for UN interference in Kashmir issue
Today they want India to intervene to help Ukraine by quoting Mahabharata

In past British ruled India, America gave money to Pakistan (America was against India) China attack India. Today how is India’s relationship with British, America or China ?

India should clear whether it stands for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम or its approach is “Tit for Tat”

Modi gives speech stating Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम. But when times come to act, Modi becomes Manmohan Singh & keep silence.

Though Ukraine approach India late, India should have tried / intervene to engage Russia & Ukraine in dialogue irrespective of outcome of dialogue

India should have shown leadership of world. Had India intervened, India could have got supremo status in world.

If world prospers, India prosper. If world is doomed, India will also face challenges

Future of world
Sanctions on Russia is more than unfair
Not sure how Russia will response to America’s sanction in short or long run.
In hindi it’s said किसी को इतना भी मत डराओ कि डर ही ख़त्म हो जाए
Not sure how much it costed for Taliban to fight against Russia in Afghanistan. If tomorrow Russia choose to uses amount of say 10% of $600+ billion to destabilise America in some or other way then what will be consequences?

World is and will be surely paying price for irresponsible leadership

Ending blog with prayer

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः।
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु।
मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥

16 May 2021

Modi Father Of Organised Business in India

Modi Father Of Organised Business in India
Is Modi really a Suit Boot Ki Sarkar?
Is China a friend of India?

Not very comfortable writing a criticism blog. Event happened a year updating on blog

2020, approx. a year ago,  In the middle of lockdown....In the era of Modi 2.0,an amendment come to Investor advisor regulations (PR No.37/2020 03Jul2020)

An Investment Advisor having more than 150 clients should pay Rs 500,000 as fees

Have you ever heard of
: If a shop owner sells goods to more than 150 + peoples in a year, he needs to pay special charge to municipal corporation?
: If a doctor treats more than 150 patients, he needs to pay more money to government?
: If 150+ people watch a TV channel, they will be charged differently?

In the era of internet anyone can have thousands of followers / viewers....This was one more amendment towards institutionalisation of stock market business

In Modi era we saw flip flopping policy as well as bringing number of amendments/change to Investor Advisor regulations
In past I have written blog institutionalisation of stock market business. Only few handful corporate controlling / having large market share of securities business. So called institution did not come forward to ask investors to sell investments prior to market fall (due to corona pandemic) happened in Feb/Mar 2020 or ask to invest more money when market went down afterword.

Past blogs in this regards

This announcement come in Jul 2020  & later in 2021 it got uprated with lower fees Of Rs 15,000 (without mentioning reason)

Modi is probably father of Organised Business in India
Policy and decisions in the Modi era, have helped large companies to control majority of money/ market / economy and rest of population be like middle class. Whatever Modi has done is affected SME & MSME and indirectly benefiting big corporates.

May be it demonetisation, “the way” GST got implemented, least attention / not handling IL&FS  saga properly, recent lockdown or PLI scheme

I am not favoring black money or against GST. People who stands in queue for demonetisation or ring bells / light lamps, could have respectfully helped government. GST and removing black money should have been done neat way

Modi’s policy /decision helps large corporate and rich people, so they are happy
Modi gives some freebies to lower income group people, so they are happy
Modi throws emotional speech / appeal to middle class and these people come on social media saying modi modi. 

Post 2014 rich people got more prosper. Life is miserable for SME and MSME

Modi is name, fame, image, credit & attention seeking person. Observed his behavior on number of occasions.

~Probably being in stock market we see things differently
When corona move out of China we used to track europe, iran and US. By February 2020 we knew that lockdown is coming to India. Modi could have easily given say 15 days time for people to settle down before lockdown. But then how’s about getting fame by doing herogiri? Come down typically in evening at 8 pm on national television and bla bla to take credit from Corona fear.....Same Modi behaves differently in 2021 during west bengal election rally, gathering of large crowd without following any corona guidelines (In the mid of second wave of pandamic) 

~Number of people have worked for Ram Jamnabhumi. I remember 1980 decade Rathayatra and so on....What was Modi’s contribution for Ram Jamnabhumi.... but throughout on puja day Modi was appearing on television

~Indian scientist makes achievement in space and credit seeking Modi come forwards to makes an announcement.

~Nobody really knows what’s was reality of Rs 20 lakh crore package

But no one come forward to take credit for GDP growth at 5% in 2019 ( a year prior to corona). Prior governments of congress were said to be corrupt, still GDP was doing reasonably good in congress era

Is China is friend of India?

Those who got problems will all countries whom it shares it’s border, can’t be anybody’s friend. But in a way China has helped India a lot.

Some time people don’t work unless they are pushed for doing work.

In the first term, 2014 to 2019 Modi used to give only Bhashan (speech) Make in India. Ground reality was different, hardly little money got invested in manufacturing. In 2020 China gave ‘tapli’ to India at Galwaon. Modi become serious of making India a larger economic power. PLI scheme come into picture, there was talk on labor laws. Thousands of crore got invested in manufacturing.

What Modi has done is boomerangs things and has delayed economic prosperity to majority of population. Modi can’t stop aspiration & dreams of 140+crore people. 

BJP is good political party.  Atal Bihari Vajpayee was a visionary leader. Hope “Get well soon” to Modi or may be post 2024 election someone else from BJP leads country

You can read blogs on Modi term I & II



26 April 2020

Modi Win & Government Failed, Deprived Indians Part 2

This blog is not a political statement.

Wishing people / society moves from scarcity to abundance

Way back in 2017, I raised question mark on “Aache din” / “Big bang changes” promised made by Modi during in 2014 election. I put question mark on actions / work done by Modi during year 2014-17.

So called “blind bhakt” did not like it and apparently unsubscribe my page without reading blog. Reality check : GDP of India has taken a hit over a period.

Below is link of 2017 blog

Indian government has worked against India (Indian business)

Modi got economy with GDP of 7% in 2014, which come down to or below 5% in 2019. No one come forward to take credit for it or analysed what went wrong, and how things can be improved

Modi called himself “pradhan sevak” of people at the time of winning election. But after winning election. Modi take action against / oppose Indian business.

Reality is people trust Modi but Modi did not trust people

People shown blind faith in Modi by
: standing in queue for money during demonetisation
: ring the bell / thali in evening 5 o clock
: lighting diya in balcony at 9 o clock

Things would have been different had government walked along with Indian business to take India forward. Reality is Modi had been unfaithful to Indian business.

I mentioned about corruption and black money in 2017 blog
When Britisher left India, how much “black money” India had? I heard from elder (generation) people, there was time in India, if some one has to earn money, it was in black, citing reason of hyper tax rate / harassment

At the time of demonetisation, initial estimate was say 3 to 5 lac crore money will not come back. Modi was fearful of consequences (thereby allowing to deposit 2 lac / per person and no question asked) and people were enough smart.
In country where people do puja of Goddess Lakshmi, people got almost all 15 lac crore converted in white. People respected Mody by peacefully standing in queue but probably shown more respect towards Goddess Lakshmi

What Modi achieved is a blow to economy especially MSME.

Things would have been different, had Modi
: Given respect to India / Indian people / Indian business
: Talked with people / got feedback from people (reason for doing business in black money)
: Work / acted / pacified their difficulties / concerns
Ease of doing business” would have become reality

Modi hurt economy second time with “the way” GST implemented.

If you hear FM speech in Loksabha / Rajya sabha, it was in the same in tone Modi given speech at the time of demonetisation. Both did not trust Indian business and gone ahead to bring down Indian business

GST was good in concept, a single law / tax, removing anomalies / difficulty to follow multiple tax regime. It was seen in other countries, when GST gets implemented, GDP shows half a percent or more growth.

In India post GST implementation, GDP was flat and then went down

GST implemented in India year 2017.

In year 2019 Nirmala made statement,
: Why GST people/ CBIC are holding refund
: When GST system is online, why GST people/ CBIC keep asking repeatedly information to process refund
Apparently finance minister got frustrated with GST people/ CBIC

If we are using say computer / laptop / mobile we expect operating system runs smoothly, but “the way” GST implementation was poor, leading damage to economy

GDP did not come down due to demonetisation or GST, it come down due to least attention / not handling IL&FS 100,000 crore issue on fire fighting mode, taking it lightly

If you don’t believe it just co-relate pre and post timing of IL&FS event with GDP / Business in India.

IL&FS fiasco did not come in media / discussed at large in media as demonetisation or GST got highlighted

Around Aug-2018, IL&FS said it did not have enough capital / money to repay 100,0000 crore loan it had taken.

Amount of Rs 100,0000 crore loan was big. Once news come, all financial intermediary were / holding hand/ reluctant to lend. Views was DHFL / Yes Bank and even Indianbulls is seen as next likely defaulting entity. It was economic turmoil. Number of names come forward. Business also started holding protecting capital / money flow/ payment leading money rotation got reduced in economy. GDP which was growing at 7%, come down to or below 5% in 2019. Things would have been different had quick action & resolution found in 2018 itself.

In 2009 the way Satyam computer issue was handled, IL&FS should have been resolved by end of 2018 itself. It is expected to resolved in July-2020

Also like to mention India Inc does not strongly believe in Audited numbers. There is need to improve governance / audit framework / transparency system in audit.

Since appointment of Nirmala Sitaraman as Finance Minister, we keep we had appreciating her and here is reason for it.

In Aug 2019 We mentioned in Facebook page,

Unprecedented, genuine extraordinary move & response by FM Nirmala Sitharaman (Unlike any other past FM)

Keeping foot down while being ground to earth & ready to listen, FM Nirmala Sitharaman has taken number of measure that should result in boosting sentiment and business too
Also there will be two more announcements in next week
....finger crossed :D
Hope stock market will bottom out soon
Thumps up & Cheers
Wish to mention FM Nirmala Sitharaman was considerate to take more questions in press conference ;)
Many many congratulations, thanks & love”

Over a period, few appreciation post mentioned on Facebook & Twitter

Since 1994, I am observing stock market / indian business / economy. I have seen number of finance minister / budget / policy / business cycle. I have not seen any past FM travelling to number of city to meet people / listening to problems / issue / concern, and solving it

Around same time in 2019, we saw
: lots of amendments to companies act to decriminalise offences
: Reducing corporate income tax rates
: Creating conducive investment environment
: Vivad se vishwas scheme

In past Facebook post, we said She is darling of stock market, today in blog I am mentioning her as Rising Star.

It was her bad luck that she got falling economy at 5% in bad shape followed by CORONA / COVID-19

Off course we can’t believe in political person. In past FM P. Chidambaram had given dream budget, In 1991 FM Manmohan Singh saved Indian economy by liberalisation. But afterwords they given political budget and changed approach towards economy

I take this blog as opportunity to appreciate Raghuram Rajan, an outspoken personality, who joined in turbulent economic environment, taking bold steps and leaving behind a credible & fastest growing economy with low inflation

Both Raghuram Rajan and Urjit Patel resigned from post due to aggression of Modi

Modi can’t manage economy well, leading to higher budget deficit. It was inappropriate and disgraceful for Modi to “change in accounting policy / method” at RBI, to get more dividend money. May be we or our future generation at some point will have to pay price for “change in accounting policy / method” at RBI.

I would also like to appreciate Sushma Swaraj. She was available to help Indian people in any part / corner of world on single tweet request. I guess She played important role in “Operation Rahat” (not made much headline in Indian media) Hope sometime in future Akshay Kumar act in movie based on this event :D

Also appreciation to Manohar Parrikar. I have not read much about him but holding great respect for simplicity and caliber

I have seen interviews of Krishnamurthy Subramanian Chief Economic Adviser, people from NITI Aayog, various secretaries and even Piyush Goyal. All these people talks about typical theoretical / bookish concepts which are already known to people since many years. There is no out of box thinking / transformational policy measures. Apparently they are after media fame / glow and nothing more.

In past blog I mentioned about “Make In India By Foreign Investment vs Make In India With Indian money”
Modi work only in direction to get foreign investment in manufacturing, which lead to minimal success. Rather than going after Indian business had Modi given red carpet welcome to Indian business to invest in Indian growth story, Indian GDP would have been near double digit growth

Modi followed appeasement cum slavery policy towards Indian farmers by loan waiver. Also before election made payment of Rs 6000 to every farmer. Apparently it seems like officially vote for money. Atal Bihari Vajpayee was a visionary leader. He had plans of project for interconnecting rivers across India and creating water canal flow across India. Subsequent government did not follow this projects. It’s pity to see that even after 70 years of independence, farmers are not self sufficient. Wish we can provide 24/7, 12 month abundance water and electricity supply to farm land and use “Amul dairy development” kind of model to sell farm produce. May be I am day dreaming ;)

How many people think that if Modi is working for 16 hours a day is good for India?
Is it emotional touchy?
If person works for 16 hours a day (for number of years), can he take best outstanding / strategic decisions?
Can a person be happy if he works for 16 hours a day? Or is sacrificing life?
Can a happy person take better decision?
Can PM spend relax day and work for just few hours?
Can India move forward if one person works for 16+ hours a day?
Will India grow better if 130 crore people work for 8 / 12+ hours and PM overview things for few hours and spend time in taking outstanding quality decisions?

Don’t you think there should be too much work / abundance of jobs / scarcity of workers – people forjob in India?
Reality is large part of working demographics / adults spends time on unproductive TicTok

Modi divided India in two parts
: Those who favour Modi
: Those who oppose Modi
Indian people spend time on Twitter / Facebook / personal interaction in fighting with each other / appreciating Modi, rather than creating something meaningful

Can there be +ve as well as -ve side of person / decision / action?

Do we need only one person leading India / one man show or there should be group of people taking India forward?

I don’t like to write blog with criticism. Wish this is my last criticism blog in this life :D. Hope to write positive and inspiring blogs in future

Wishing people / society moves from scarcity to abundance

Good wishes
Jai Hind !!

26 March 2020

Reply to SEBI on Consultation paper on Review of Regulatory Framework for Investment Advisers (IA)

Reply to SEBI on  30-Jun-2020

Name of the Entity/ Person: Atul Gandhi 9371331337
Sl. No.
Proposal Page no para number
Overall comment on regulation environment
I) Allow Indian entrepreneurs to do business.

Over a period SEBI has created so much complex structure of regulations that SEBI itself is finding difficult to take call on SEBI’s own consultation paper issued in way back 2016.

Create simplified, fair and transparent regulation / legal structure for securities business in India

Transparency” is the only way to rise for India

i) Single law should be applicable to all Intermediaries and print-tv-online media whether Individual or non individual

ii) Anyone talking about a stock (whether recommending buy or sales or not or just talk positively /negatively) should disclose
present holding,
purchases / sale in past one year and
purchases / sale in next one year
directly or through group company / subsidiary / related party

1) SEBI is institutionalizing securities market business. More people should be allowed to do business. Competition is always welcome. In telecom sector, prior to JIO data was selling at Rs 250 per GB, afterwords it come down Rs 3 per GB. Institutions are more concerned about their profit over investor. In down market institution continue to sell SIP.

2) If you create so much complex regulation environment, business owner will spend 20% or 30% of their time only on compliance not on business. Countries with simple legal background can flourish easily

3.4.4 page 11
Be realistic
Along with option A & B, “profit share %” should be allowed.
Fees should be fair and transparent
No fixed fees restriction like Rs 75000
Not every client is willing to give fixed fees or fee on AUM, say IA advising client having investment of say 100 crore. Say in bull market client doable his investment money in a year. Now client is making 100 crore profit and SEBI is asking to charge fee of Just Rs 75,000 ??

3 page 15

Talent can be criteria to do business in India. Don’t put any net worth criteria to do business in India

One lakh is good amount of net worth for individual IA and five lakh for non individual IA to do business.

In India parents facilitate (provide shelter – home – pay fees) to their children for education, as well as help (money or allow use of their home or office) to children to do business so ,its preferred to include parents home, office and net worth along with IA net worth

SEBI should charge nominal token fees of Rs 5000 towards IA registration for both Individual or Non Individual IA
India has population of over 100 crore. Even after 70 years political party still talks about removing poverty. Political parties has not removed poverty from India. Indian business people / entrepreneurs can overcome poverty. Being free nation people should be allowed to do business

2) Number of so called global business / big brands in todays world are started from small set up like garage back side of home or a flat. Entrepreneurship is welcome. SEBI has allowed only rich people / institution to do business in securities market. Money should not be criteria to do business

3) Those who got lots of money create business verticals / subsidiary / division. And those who have less money should not do business ?

Talent can be criteria to do business. Indian brands like Narendra Modi or Sachin Tendulkar or Lata Mangeshkar has not come from rich family background. What do you think had Indian cricket board said money is criteria to play cricket ?
4 page 16
People should have liberty to choose legal structure.

Don’t put any legal restriction to do business

1) In era of whatsapp and facebook any one can have few thousand clients or few hundred crore AUM

2) People can choose legal structure to do business as per their convenience

3) Though TCS one of the early mover in software than Infosys, it got listed after few years of Infosys

4) Today, even after 100 + years in business Tata’s are holding companies under “Trust” legal structure

5) Allow entrepreneur to choose suitable legal structure

6) Create simple legal environment